This manual is dedicated to the memory of Dr Edward William Brentnall FACEM, MBE, OAM, KStJ 05/08/1929-01/10/2024. Ed was a guiding light for generations of emergency physicians who sheltered, mentored and inspired many of us. See the full dedication here.
Latest updates
Outcomes following cardiac arrest
The Cardiac arrest page has been updated with some additional information about outcomes following cardiac arrest.
PERC 35 rule
The Pulmonary embolism page has been updated with some additional information about PERC and PERC 35 rules.
D dimer in high risk patients
The PE – investigations non imaging page has been updated with some additional information about D dimer in high risk patients.
The Peripheral nervous system examination page has been updated with some additional information about Clonus.
Intravenous regional anaesthesia
The Intravenous regional anaesthesia page has had a few minor updates.
IV Paracetamol costs
The Paracetamol page has been updated with some additional information about the high cost and environmental impact of IV paracetamol compared to oral. Something we should all consider when deciding if an IV form of a drug is needed instead of giving it orally.
US of a ureteric jet
The Ureteric colic page has been updated with an US image of a normal ureteric jet.
Distal forearm fractures in children
The Forearm injuries page has been updated with a new section on Distal forearm fractures in children.